Öckerö gymnasium

Sunday, lovely Sunday

So finally, after a week at sea and after a week of rough waves and hard work, we are now starting to get closer to our first destination, Jamaica.

Today is Sunday, and everybody on the boat exactly knows what that includes, a day off from studies and also our Sunday special, “stekfrukost”. After many days of big waves, the sea has finally calmed down and that is being spent in best possible way, on the forecastle where everybody is being fried like French fries in hope of developing a nice sun tan, which in most cases ends up as badly burned skin and sunstroke.

Sunday is not only the day when people change their skin tone to slightly tomato red, it’s also a day where you can do all those things you didn’t have time to do between your studies and watches. Personally, my favorite thing to do on Sundays is to take a long shower and change the bed, so that I can, at least until my next watch starts, feel as fresh as I possibly can on this boat.

The combination of the fact that today is Sunday and that tomorrow will be our arriving day to our first stop is such a good fact to have in mind. Our first days on the sea came as a shock to most of us, I think. The big swells, the heat and the hard work were so different from the life we had lived at home. The fact that we now will have a break of six days on Jamaica will hopefully strengthen us all and give us new energy to our coming sea-adventures.

Maja O, starboard watch.


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se