Öckerö gymnasium

Sun, Scones, and Surprises

Mid-morning, we found ourselves drawn to an odd café that lured us in with the promise of scones. Now, these weren’t just any scones; they were the sort that practically demand you eat them on a street curb, which is exactly what we did. As we sat there, minding our own business (and our crumbs), our DoS KiKi suddenly appeared out of nowhere, surprising us with a candid snapshot. Apparently, eating baked goods on the sidewalk is an Instagram-worthy activity. Who knew?

Next on the agenda was a quick stop at Tesco, which would become a theme of the day. After all, what is a day in a small town without at least two trips to Tesco? Essentials were purchased, mostly snacks if I’m being honest, and we made our way back to the T/S Gunilla for lunch.

Ah, lunch. Innocent as it seemed, it turned out to be the most surprising part of the day. A simple meal of sausage with parsley-stewed potatoes—that’s what the menu said. What the menu didn’t mention was that the sausage had enough heat to bring tears to your eyes. One bite, and we were questioning our life choices. But like true adventurers, we powered through, red-faced but victorious.

Feeling bold (or maybe delirious from the sausage), we decided to conquer Ullapool Hill, which we assumed was a mountain. After all, it looked high enough from the bottom. We set off with a spring in our step, only to realize less than halfway up that not only was this not a mountain, but it barely qualified as a hill. To add to the excitement, I managed to drop my sweater on the way back down, so we had to retrace our steps to retrieve it. By that point, we were halfway between giving up and pretending we’d made it to the top just for the bragging rights.

After this slightly underwhelming expedition, we did what any sensible person would do: we went back to Tesco. Yes, again. More snacks were procured (don’t judge), and we called it a day.

All in all, it was a day full of surprises, some unexpected heat, and a hill that wasn’t quite what we thought it would be. But hey, what’s an adventure without a few twists? And at least we have that picture of us eating scones on the curb to remember it by.

Max Morgan


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se