The first thing I did after breakfast this morning was to go out on deck and look to the horizon where I could see land for the first time in two weeks. Then it was time to have the last guard for three days. Today's
guard was calm and we started by preparing to go into the port. At first I only saw one big cliff with a big dark cloud behind which was the beginning of the Faial island.
But as the watch continued this cliff grew bigger and bigger. After about an hour we could clearly see the island which is where we are staying for four days.
We arrived at the port only around two hours after the start of the
guard and at around 1:00 pm I went ashore for the first time in two
weeks. At first I felt a bit wiggly but I quickly got used to walking on
land. The first thing we did on land was to have a beach expedition for
our Biology class and then we had free time for the rest of the day so I
could finally eat the sushi I have longed for during this entire trip.
As the day went on the clouds slowly disappeared and on the neighbor
island a high mountain appeared over the clouds which was Pico, the
highest mountain in Portugal.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00