Tomorrow I will be flying back home, back to Sweden, and my last day on Gunilla as a student is also, funny enough, the day I will have my last blog ever on the ship. If you are och were a student on the school you will understand how relieved I am. I’m satisfied with my time here on Gunilla and I’m not sad that I’ve choosen to go home. I am actually really happy that I was given the chance and the opportunity to do what was best for me and I’m really grateful for that. I haven’t really understood that this is my last and final trip. The time has flewn by to quick and soon it’ll be June 15th and I
will graduate leaving the school forever with thousands of memories.
Lets just say it’s been a weird day, I’ve started of my day with packing my bag which ended up being easier than I thought. Unlike our former trips this is the only one where we haven’t had the opportunity to go crazy on the shopping. All I’ve bought this trip is pretty much magnets and some jewellery, and a LOT of candy. Crazy amounts of candy that's not for me, it’s for my little brother who orderd me to buy weird candy in every port. Which, as the good sister I am,
obviously did. If I know my brother correctly he won’t read this so just to make you understand the weirdness of some of the things I will be bringing home with me I will list a few. In Tampa I found a lot and bought some, but one thing really stood out. I found marschmallows but sour patch kidz edition. If you don’t know that's sour candy, so it’s going to be sour marschmallows. Which honestly isn’t that weird but they look absolutely disgusting. In Belize I found some spicy sugar, I think. I actually don’t even know what I bought in Belize so it will be fun trying that with him. And to the absolutely WEIRDEST candy were to be found i Mexiko. The package says first play, then eat . I’ve bought two different kinds of basically the same thing. One is candy crayons that you can draw with and then eat and the other is magic sand, you know the kind you had in primary school in crazy
colours. I’m really exited for those two.
Anyway, after finishing packing I went to the Maya museum to gatter information to our history assignment. The museum was really cool and really weird since they missed a lot of important parts of mayan history. Which is really sad but it’s amazing for our assignment. Then it was back to the ship to eat dinner and write this blog. Dinner was good, espacially the potatoes.
My last evening on the ship as a student, because who knows maybe I’ll return someday, was spent with my classmates and just chilling saying goodbye. We drank some homemade Virgin Pinacoladas and ate some mangoes and then I went to sleep. I’m leaving the boat feeling good and happy with my time here, both on this trip but also the prior two. There has been some problems with Gunilla during my three years on the boat. We’ve gone through two different “big messes” as well as two different bathrooms. On our last trip we basically built the new big mess and it feels really funny to leave something you’ve been a part of.
All I can say now is good luck to my classmates on the rest of the trip and that I wish you don’t have to check of more squares on What’s not working on Gunilla
Alice Hakenmyr, Midskepps, SA2023
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00