Öckerö gymnasium

The final countdown has started

It is not breaking news but its the same people everywhere that has been there for soon 2 months and now we all are a little bit tired of seeing each other every day.

The final countdown has started

Now it is only 9 days left on our adventure here onboard at Gunilla. I think that most of us feel very done with our time onboard. We live in a kind of miniature world and its like the world outside this boat doesn´t exist but it does and it feels kind of amazing to soon be apart of the ”real world” again.

I know that this sounds depressing but its a bit of the truth right now. You know there’s people everywhere, it is not breaking news but its the same people everywhere that has been there for soon 2 months and now we all are a little bit tired of seeing each other every day.

But its not the only truth, obviously. It feels kind of sad that this adventure and our little world soon is over because we have been like a family here and we all have fun together. Fine, we’re gonna see each other at school after this but I don't think it’s gonna be the same at all.…

Now I feel this is way too deep so let’s talk about what we in port watch have done today.

Today it’s Tuesday which is laundry day for us. Some of us woke up a little earlier than we normally do to get out and start laundering, I was not one of them - all sleep you can get is holy so I woke up at eleven o'clock when we were woken up for breakfast or lunch, whichever you prefer. It’s kind of nice with the 12 to 4 duty that you can choose if you want to eat breakfast or lunch. After the breakfast/lunch we got ready for todays’ day work.

Today’s work was to clean the storage under the floor in every cabin, not so nice but it was chill. Some of us cleaned the potato storage and we found so many old potatoes and it was so nasty, but now the potato storage will stay clean for a long time. The best of todays duty was when they baked gingerbread in the galley… some gingerbread cookie dough might have disappeared in a mysterious way…I don't know but we in Port watch can tell you it tasted very good ;)

After our duty the afternoon was spent studying and movie watching and some fixing with the laundry because every time you have washed, your socks are gone. I’m not kidding they are actually gone I think that the washing machine is eating them or something.

On the night duty between 00 to 04 we don’t do that much on our night duties when the weather is calm. The only interesting thing that happened was when we woke up the next watch 04 to 08. The all of us in port get in the cabins with a guitar and sing the Swedish song ”Sankta Lucia”. I can promise you that they woke up faster than ever…maybe because they want to kill us, more than usually.

// Ebba, student Port


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se