Öckerö gymnasium

The final dinner

Now we’re leaving soon, in three days we're at the buss home to Gothenburg. Today was the day of our final dinner. This give the hole crew a chans to dress up, this trip theme was French! With berets on our head we ate, talked and laugh as the sun went down.

Our fourth day in Terragona started as usual at 8:00 am. Because of the coronavirus Spain has once again been put in lockdown. All the restaurants, cafés and shops are closed. The weather hasn’t been on our side and without the beach there isn’t much for us left to do. So today we decided to sleep in, we woke up perfectly at noon and went straight from bed to lunch, we ate and then we went out for some churros, it was the best churros I’ve eaten. By 3:00pm we were back at the boat and by 4:00pm the party comity had planned a game between the three watches, and of course they did this with Gunnis-inspration. The games was really fun and challenging, starboard won, port came second, unfortionally we lost. After the games we ate really good hamburgers that the chefs made on the bbq as we watched the sun goes down. After dinner we watched movies that each watch had put together, some better than others. Everyone onboard sat together on main deck, captain, first mate and so on.

The comity also decorated main deck with colorful lights and flags. Durring four hole hours we laid in each other knees on deck, watched the lights, the stars and laughed. Even if we’re in Spain, the nights get cold and the evening-breeze still make you freeze, but when we lay in each others laps we stay warm. We talked all night about the trip and how wonderful its been, but also how wonderful it would be to come home to your friends, family and maybe the most inportant: the bed. This was truly one of my favorite evenings at T/S Gunilla.

Ella Nilsson SAS1922, midskepps.


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se