Öckerö gymnasium

The first to days at sea

The first morning you could almost sense that something was different. We ate breakfast like the days before. But after the morning meeting at eight we had a security drill and at ten we began our journey away from the harbour and towards open sea.

The sea outside the harbour was rough and unpredictable that made that most of the other classmates got sea sick. I got to the first one to steer the ship and it was a mighty experience. when the clock hit twelve, we were done with our first four
hour shift we got eight hours of spare time some studied and some played cards but i went to bed. Then my second shift started at eight p.m. and ended at twelve p.m. This shift was pretty difficult to complete because of the blinding darkness. When you got out to the main deck you could not
see a thing. I kept on with my task to steer the ship and when we had strucked the bell eight times the clock had just turned twelve p.m.
When i came down to my cabin it took seconds for me to sleep. The next day we got waken up by the portside watch which is one of three crews that work two shifts watch day. At 7:15 we all sat and ate breakfast and at eight our shift started. We started with taking down the two top sails at the main mast and we secured the shackels on the boat. then we had eight hours of free time slept for 6 hours then started the last shift of the day at eight pm and that shift was a cleaning shift so we cleaned the whole boat and when after that we learn how to bring up the sails and when the clock turned 10 pm we started learning all the different nails so we can go to our stations fast and then at 11 pm we
were done for the day but we had to stay on deck in case something had to be done but in that time we talked and did the bring sally up challenge then at midnight i went straight to the bed and slept.

Oskar, Starboard


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se