”The clothes were flying everywhere.” It’s an interesting sentence isn't it, keep reading my blog and you will find out what it’s all about;)
The day started like every other day. Breakfast and then gathering. After the gathering we had our first math lesson with Erik, he arrived 3 days ago in Plymouth. To my surprise the lesson went on fast and after what felt like a short period of time, the class was over. After that, me and some friends from midships and barbord went on to explore the city again. It didn’t take long before we were bored of the city. Don’t get me wrong, it is a beautiful city, but there is not so much to do. Thankfully we found a place to rent bikes. Just because we rented so many, we got one for free. It was an okay price for an afternoon and we started biking north. We didn’t have a destination so we just continued and we biked for a long time. About an hour later we came to a beautiful place, it was these big green cliffs just by the water. It was quite windy but I found a place where it was leeward and where quite purple flowers grew. When everyone felt finished we started heading home. We rode past this wonderful big beach with sand and everyone ran towards it. The clothes were flying everywhere. This bath was so needed. We were so sweaty because of the biking. At first it was a bit cold, like always, so everyone went up quite fast. We started playing around in the warm sand instead, but we got so sandy so we all had to dive in to the water again. This time, the water felt warmer and it was really wonderful. After the second time in the water we had to go back to Saint Malo because he had to return the bikes. On the way home everyone were tired, but the energy in the group was very good. We were laughing and joking all the way home to Gunilla.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se