Öckerö gymnasium

The Gibraltar mountain and advent

We went over to the Gibraltar side and went to the top of the Gibraltar mountain. Anna-Lotta rented a couple of minibuses who guided us all the way up with some stops along the way. The first stop was a viewpoint where you can see both Europe and Africa, the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic. From there we went to a limestone cave with many colorful lights.

Happy first advent!

Today I had watch but we didn’t do that much because it rained all day, the only thing I did except clean was to build a rain shelter over a small area where we painted a few days ago. Half of the nature class where at the beach today and did a beach excursion for a nature project, and the rest of us in the nature class will do that in a couple of days.

After lunch everybody, except the sick once, went over to the Gibraltar side and went to the top of the Gibraltar mountain. Anna-Lotta rented a couple of minibuses who guided us all the way up with some stops along the way. The first stop was a viewpoint where you can see both Europe and Africa, the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic. From there we went to a limestone cave with many colorful lights. Then we came to the best part, the monkeys! They were everywhere, they jumped on the car roofs while we drove and on the wall. Our guide let all of us hold a monkey, it was terrifying at first because they told us not to touch them because they might bite. After a while though it was fun and exciting. The last stop on our trip was when we visited old tunnels from the second world war. From there we took the busses to the main street and wanted to visit a cozy café, but it´s Sunday and everything is closed. So we went to Burger king to avoid the heavy rain and to use a little bit of their Wi-Fi.

Now we´re sitting in the small dining area and studying while listening to Christmas songs to celebrate the first advent. Merry Christmas!

See you all in about two weeks!

//Ida of starboard


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se