Öckerö gymnasium

The Kitchen And The Beach

The last two days have been packed with fun. Both with interesting work and fun free time, learning how the boat works and how things are done at sea and in harbour.

We have also had time to enjoy the beautiful weather on a perfect surf beach in Gran Canaria. Wednesday, I woke up at 7 in the morning with the rest of the boat and ate breakfast. At 8 my watch Starboard took over and we were supposed to learn how to set the sails. However, I was in the kitchen so when the rest of the watch climbed in the mast, I was tied up in washing the breakfast dishes. The kitchen was actually a very fun place. It was very pleasing to always have a little problem-solving to do. I tried to specialize in washing the dishes because I found it pretty fun with always rotating the dirty with the clean. Then we set up the table for lunch and I even got to present the food, bacon- and bread-pudding! I know that sounds very weird, but it was actually really good! Us in starboard got a little alone time because all the other watches were on a beach. Lucky for me, after lunch, I also got to climb the mast which I found very freeing. It is really the perfect mix between adrenaline and fun. After dinner, we played mafia and even though I got killed the second round we had a very good time.

Today I had free-watch, and we had planned a day on the beach. On the east side of the city was a perfect surfing beach and we really wanted to surf. We started to walk through the city, but the walk was too long, so we got too tired to find a renting place. Because of that we naturally regretfully discarded our search for surf boards and tried to body surf, and let me tell you, it was the most fun waves to jump and play around in. Then we had hamburgers for lunch and took a walk along the seaside. We then headed back to Gunilla and had dinner. As soon as the last bite of dinner was in our stomachs we headed out for volleyball. It was dark but we had a speaker, volleyball and each other so it was still very fun. The evening ended with a bit of stress going back to the boat but with late night talk and singing in the big mess hall the day had a nice ending.


William Axelzon Åkerlind


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se