We have had a wonderful time here in Bermuda and it’s sadly coming to an end. Never before have I seen such blue water. Today was our last day here in the harbor and my watch was on duty. We could not enjoy the sunny day on the beach like the rest of the crew, but we got a lot of work done instead.
We have had a wonderful time here in Bermuda and it’s sadly coming to an end. Never before have I seen such blue water. Today was our last day here in the harbor and my watch were on duty. We could not enjoy the sunny day on the beach like the rest of the crew, but we got a lot of work done instead. Unfortunately we do not have wifi here on the ship and I did not have a chance to call home, so mom and dad you will probably not hear from me until we arrive in Horta.
Today was a good day. After lunch the main crew told us to wear our swimsuits, goggles and to bring our tooth brush and meet them on deck. Everyone was super excited so we did as we were told. It turned out they wanted us to scrub the outside of the boat, not with our tooth brushes but with other, bigger brushes. We got to take a bath-stop and jump in the crystal clear blue Bermuda water one last time. The only problem was that today was super windy. We were ten kids trying to clean the boat in the high waves, I bet it looked super funny. It did not work out very well though.
We had a big BBQ for dinner. Everyone dressed up and the dinner was extra fancy. We grilled the fish we got on the way here and it tasted really good. It was the first time I tried Tuna but I really liked it and I hope we catch some more.
We are leaving tomorrow for the Atlantic ocean and I am not super thrilled about it. I know the waves will be huge and it will probably be the hardest part so far.
Judit Krabbe
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se