Saturday morning we went up at 7 am like every other day. We ate breakfast and a time after we had lined up on deck to get information about the day. Today was Portside guard day. Today we practiced rigging sails, we sanded doors, painted doors and washed the outside of the boat
It has been a very beautiful day, very hot day. Today we got to bath twice, it was so nice to swim. Now we all just go around and wait for us to leave Cape Verde and sail over the Atlantic to Grenada. Most of the people who were not on duty today were on our sailing ship to study or just take it chill. I think it depends on the fact that we already have had many days to do things in Mindelo.
Tonight we might watch a movie together on deck on a sail, if we are not leaving tonight. I look forward to watching a movie, I think it will be cozy.
Right as it was while I was writing they told us that we are leaving tonight. We are on our way over the Atlantic! Everyone got so happy, we all set the sail together and fixed everything that we needed to start sailing We are incredibly excited to sail now!
Dagmar Jörnestrand, Portside
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00