Öckerö gymnasium

The Real Winners

The winners, my watch (portside) won after much excitement, though all the watches were pretty even throughout the whole games. Our price for winning the games was that we will get to choose something sweet to enjoy at our three a clock “fika” tomorrow.

Hello everybody!!

The day started with night watch for my watch at 00:00-04:00am. I was lifebuoy guard and my job was to keep an eye at the rest of my watch on deck. We haven’t been able to sail; therefore, the rest of the watch didn’t have much work to do. It was a calm night and when you looked down in the water you could easily see lots of sparkling phosphorescence. At 01.30 it was time for night “fika”, which tonight consisted of toast, to everyone’s appreciation. Towards the end of the watch we sat in a circle and listened to our talented watch leader as she sang and played guitar. After the watch, at 04:00am all you want to do is go to bed, so that’s what we all did.

At 11:20, it was time for lunch/breakfast for my watch. The watch who has the 12:00-04 shift gets to choose between eating breakfast or lunch, as some people don’t want to eat lunch as their first meal of the day. After breakfast/lunch, my watch had watch. When we first went out on deck, everyone got excited. The weather was quite nice and the sun was out for the first time this sea leg.

Our watch got interrupted by the “Gunilla Games”. We were divided into three teams (our watches) portside, starboard, and amidships. As my watch had watch right before the games we didn’t have time to dress up. However, the other watches, starboard and amidships dressed up and came up with team cheer songs. We competed in a bunch of different branches. One of them was a relay and another one was rope safari. The winners, my watch (portside) won after much excitement, though all the watches were pretty even throughout the whole games. Our price for winning the games was that we will get to choose something sweet to enjoy at our three a clock “fika” tomorrow.

After the games, my watch had studies to do and the day ended with some card games in the big mess.

Hope everything is well with you all!!

Märta Backman, Portside watch (the winners)


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se