The harbor was dirty and smelled fish. But after a few hundred meters we met a man that helped us get to the so called "Souk", or market in English. He said he lived there so he could show us the way. So we took a bus that drove for around fifteen minutes and then we arrived at the market.
Today we arrived at Agadir around 10:30 in the morning. The weather was really nice and hot and it was very little wind. After lunch we got our passports checked and then we were allowed to leave the boat and visit Agadir.
The harbor was dirty and smelled fish. But after a few hundred meters we met a man that helped us get to the so called "Souk", or market in English. He said he lived there so he could show us the way. So we took a bus that drove for around fifteen minutes and then we arrived at the market. It was huge and consisted of approximately 500 shops. You could find everything from candy to cellphones.
After some strolling around in the market, we ended up sitting in a spice shop. We smelled some different spices and drank some tasty tea and supposedly the tea was good for the health too. After we left the shop, we went back to the market and looked around and bought some cookies and snacks. Around 17:00 we took a bus back to Gunilla and ate some good dinner made by our excellent chef, John.
Thank you for reading,
Petter Alexandersson
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00