Öckerö gymnasium

The Swedish fika

The tension was unbearable when we all sat at the breakfast table. We had just come to Madeira the day before where we had to take a corona test. At the morning gathering routine we rang the bell and hoisted the Swedish and the Portoguise flag. When the captain finally started speaking it was dead silent. I got so happy when the captain finally told us that everyone was clear of corona and that we had gotten permission to go and explore Funchal.

Me and a couple of friends went to get our clothes and face masks right after the gathering and went out. Funchal was a very beautiful city and there was a bunch to see and to do. For example the museum about Cristiano Ronaldo was very interesting and we got to see how he grew up on the island.

The other school boat from the Netherlands that was right behind us in the harbor were very friendly so our captain invited them to a Swedish fika on our boat Gunilla. We ate swedish cinnamon buns with orange juice which was very tasty. We talked a lot to the other students and got to know that we had some differences on our boats. In the evening when the other students were back on their boat we started to have a weird dance battle with them where we lined up on opposite sides of the quay and showed each other our traditions.

Jakob Sengpiel


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se