Here on Gunilla the working assignments are very similar but on the nightshift we have time to do other stuff. Today we played hide and seek in the reflection of the moonlight. Frans found a extremely good hiding-spot and no one were able to find him. After a twenty minutes long seeking we gave up and sat down and looked at the sea and waited there for Frans.
Other then the games the only thing that is new onboard is the amount of pets. When I worked in the galley for the first time I noticed that there were a few cockroaches in the corner underneath the oven. These lovely bugs has now propagate and spread over the boat. You can find them in the fridge, on the cabin sole and in Livia`s wardrobe in cabin five. One of the girls in cabin five is extremely afraid of bugs and therefore forced the rest of her roommates to clean every little area.
Portwatch cleaned the potato store yesterday and some new bugs came out to join us. Gigantic drosophilas made the little messroom to their new home. They gather around on the bread or in the orange juice so when you eat you better keep an eye open. This happened for about a three weeks ago and the flies stayed for a week in the big messroom before they flew out.
Tonight I saw dolphins who were doing acrobatic swim beside the boat. I think that they are most beautiful in the dark. You can see them in the night-time with the help of sea-fire that light up their movements. Personally I think it looks like snow-white mermaids that comes up from the very deepest bottom of the sea.
We also spotted a little bird flying onboard. It was white with a shade of red on the head and on the wings. We have had birds visitors before who comes down to take a break and recover. The bird who flew here tonight got stuck in a sheet. We named it Jonas after a ghost story that we told on the nightshift last Monday. We couldn’t liberate the poor little thing and Adam had to kill it with a piece of wood.
Although the sad ending it was a good day.
By: Elin Kling, starboard
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00