Öckerö gymnasium

The wonderful day with the pregnant woman

Everyday gets better and better! Today we were awakened by our wonderful friend My, at 7 o'clock and started the day by eating breakfast. Then the leaders explained about the hike we were going to do. Everyone got really excited and after the meeting we changed our clothes and packed the provisions, we were ready to go!

The bus journey took about one hour and a half, but it felt like much less. Some of us slept, but most of us talked and enjoyed the beautiful view. When we arrived we walked along a rock wall all the way to our destination. The view was amazing and we took a lot of pictures in the sunshine together. Our director of sailing (DOS) Daniel and Kicki, helped us to the lift that was going to take us up to the high mountains. While we went up in the lift, all the nature students measured how the air pressure changed in an app called Phyphox. We will use this result in a physics assignment in a few weeks.

My cabin mates and I started the hike with walking along the hiking trail. The fascinating mountains raised up really high and with some fantasy, we could imagine some figures. One famous example is "The pregnant woman", which we tried to find. After one hour and a half we had lunch enoying the incredible view. Today we had pasta salad with curry and chicken. Just before we started walking again, we finally saw the figure "the pregnant woman"! That made our day!
When we arrived to the lift, we saw various market stalls which sold a lot of souvenirs. Some of us took the opportunity to buy Christmas gifts to our family and relatives. At three o'clock we took the bus to return to T/S Gunilla.
We ended this eventful day with eating dinner, studying for a while and then had a good night sleep! I have had so much fun in this short time. Then imagine after two full months! I can't wait!

Johanna Moqvist Nab 2023


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se