This morning, we arrived in Lübeck, a small German city full of churches and history.
We started exploring Lübeck as soon as we were allowed to leave the ship. I’ll share with you three things that I’ve seen today.
The first one is a strange church. The outside of the building was beautiful. We tought we were to visit a normal and peaceful church, but the inside of this church was full of skulls and paintings of black, tortured bodies. The atmosphere was frightening and dark. We left the church confused.
Secondly, the flea market. In the harbour, right beside our ship, there is a huge flea market. It has signs written in comic sans. Hippies with dyed, messy hair are hanging around ouside. I haven’t gone inside to take a look yet, but I’m looking forward to buying vinyls with old german disco music.
Last but not least, the locals here look like typical Germans. Some of them have eighties moustaches, others have long hair. People seem to have a certain distinct style here, and I watch them as they walk the streets. It’s not like anything I’ve seen before. It is kind of a small and touristic city, and I try to imagine the everyday life of those who actually live here.
I’m going to bed to get a good nights sleep now, since we’re visting a concentration camp tomorrow. So check in then to read about someone elses excperience there, and take care of yourselves!
Liv Leffler
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00