Öckerö gymnasium

Towards Portsmouth

Today, Thursday the 31th May Gunilla headed towards Portsmouth again, our last stop before Öckerö.

Today, Thursday the 31th May Gunilla headed towards Portsmouth again, our last stop before Öckerö. In front of us we have 12 days of sailing and working, while you guys at home probably have a lot of graduations and finals to think about.

With new watches and partly exchanged crew everything felt different today. Even though we have been at sea most of the time it was like all of us had forgotten everything when we were doing a sailing maneuver during the day watch 12-4 am. The brain were up among the clouds and the body like spaghetti. I’m not really sure wether it depends on lack of sleep or way too much sleep. During my watch we mostly set sails, but after all that were done I got the task to scrape on the wooden part of the mesan. It was pretty hard at the beginning since there barely was any things to secure or stand on. Plus, the scrape blowed right in the face no matter angle.



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se