This night we had some special guests from the sea……DOLPHINS. It was so beautiful and they were shining in the water because of the phosphorescence.
Today it is October 28 and our second day at sea. Me and my lovely group have the watch from twelve a clock to four a clock, witch means that we kind of lose the sense of time. The only thing we’re doing in our spare time is sleeping, eating and (perhaps) doing some homework. But anyway, the day started of by waking up at 23:30 pm and preparing for another four beautiful but slow hours in the middle of the night with the best leaders Oskar and Karin. This night we had some special guests from the sea……DOLPHINS. It was so beautiful and they were shining in the water because of the phosphorescence.
The next guard is already on the way and everybody has probably been sleeping for seven hours (at least I did) until 11.30 am when it was time for some tasty lunch. Today I took the shortest straw and had to grease the wire with “Cable Grease” which was a black fatty oil that you for sure don’t want to get in your face. So I started of by climbing up all the way in the rig with a big blue overall and a plastic bag of oil. It is way scarier than you think and especially when it’s windy. Then I started to grease the wire with oil, and because I’m always so lucky, the wind took the oil and threw it all into my face and hair so I latterly looked like a freak. Afterwards I took a LOONG shower, even if we’re supposed to save water for the trip. But I deserved it, I promise.
Then we had a short lesson with Tore and afterwards we saw an episode of Game of Thrones.
So this was another day of our life at T/S Gunilla.
Kajsa Moberg, Starboard
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00