I was the first one up in the rigging, after Adam, one of our guard leaders.
I was the first one up in the rigging, after Adam, one of our guard leaders. I went out on ”brammens” foot rope (a wire under the yard), and when Cajsa followed me the whole wire started to rattle. I looked to my left and saw Cajsas legs shaking, she looked surprised and told me she wasn’t even that scared! A moment later when Matilda joined us on the wire, it started to vibrate in two different directions, she was holding on to the yard for her life. Adam kept telling her she was secured.
Today we got familiar with the ship and the safety aboard. Everybody was divided into different groups that regularly changed stations. It could be any information between emergency situations, to securing our knives, to helping the chefs in the kitchen etc.
Midship had their first shift while the other two guards could go ashore and explore Malaga. I volunteered for kitchen services, because that would let me sleep the whole night through instead of sitting quay watch.
Today’s weather has been better than earlier this week, everyone was fast with putting on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, while we saw the Spanish youths walking with massive winter jackets aside the boat… Swedish summer and seventeen degrees!
Alicia B
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se