Today at ten o clock we leave A Coruña. When the bow buster sounds I knew that we are on our way. In three days we arive in Lissabon. But our vissit in A Coruña has ben nice. Me and my friends had visit many intresting stores and we had drink much coffee.
There was´nt som much activitates in a Coruña becaus of corona. When Kiki our Dos presentated A Coruña I get wery exited. Me and my friends talked about paintball. I get realy exitetd, I have newer played paintbal before. My friends talke about when they played paintball before. Actually there was many paintball places in A Coruña, but on Google Maps they had written "Temporary closed in case of covid-19". We also talked about surfing. Last trip when we was at Gran Canaria I tried surfing for the first time. The waves were pretty big. A guy that was more experienced said that the waves were to big if you want to surf for the first time.
A Coruña has many nice cafes. At El Reloj I think we could have been classified as loyal costumers. A normal day in A Coruña we sleep to ten o clock or to lunch. Then we changed our clothes and take a walk to town and taking a seat at a cafe. Cafe con leceh, wich means coffe with milk was that I used to order. A hour later we leave the cafe and walk along the streets. Maby we went in to a store. We have visit many Second Hand clothes stores and antique stores. I hope we can do the same things in Lisabon, and see some more things there. Se ya.
Arvid Ekstrom SAS1922
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00