Lübeck, the first stop on this trip and of course we could not wait to get out and explore the city. Lübeck welcomed us with a lovely weather which we appreciated a lot.
Hello from Lübeck! After a long 00-04 watch we finally were allowed to get some sleep. When I woke up at quarter to ten we had just arrived at the harbour in Lübeck, a very beautiful and cozy city. We ate lunch at twelve o’clock, pea soup with bacon and freshly baked bread, and then it was time to go out in Lübeck. We went to the Main Street and started with our immigration project, to interview people about the immigration here and how the immigration affect people’s political opinions. We got some nice interviews and we met many nice and kind people with interesting opinions.
Twenty past three we went back to Gunilla again to eat pancakes with whipped cream and raspberries, a very delicious meal. When the pancakes were eaten we went out in Lübeck again, this time to explore the city on another level. We walked to a supermarket and bought ice cream which we ate on a cozy quay by the river. The ice cream was finished quickly and then it was time to take us to the restaurant called Peter Pan. It was a burger restaurant and we all were really satisfied with the food, I give it 8 of 10 Gunillas. We took a fast desert on McDonald’s and ended the day by walking with a nice view of the sunset. It was a day to remember and I hope the rest of the days here in Lübeck will be just as good as this.
Tomorrow is going to be so exiting because we are going to visit a german school. I hope to talk and learn some German with the German students. I also hope that we will win the football game against them. It's a long day tomorrow so we all need to get some sleep.
Klara Eriksson, midships watch
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se