Today we went on an incredible adventure which included visiting a mennonite village but also stay the night!
There where three living arrangement which we all stayed at and mine had an amazing view over the entire community. When the night came we stayed up til 1 am and just talked the entire time.
Anyway the visit to the mennonite villige is an experience worth telling because they were so nice and fun to talk to and we got to play soccer and volleyball with them and who can say that they have done that?
Me and Cassandra are doing a documentary on minority groups as a school project and we got to interview two girls from the village and they gave some interesting answers on the subject which is how the media is presenting the minorities versus how they view themselves.
We were later invited to eat dinner at the principals house where we got to meet her family as well as having a wonderful time in her garden. So we spent the whole day with mennonites and I can honestly say that it was the best day of the trip so far.
Tomorrow morning we plan to have breakfast at a small diner in the community and possibly visit a Maya-ruin and drive through a conservative mennonite village. The village we went to was very liberal so it would be an interesting experience if we got to see how the others lived so we get two perspectives. But that is just my wishful thinking but I’m crossing my fingers and I hope you guys are too.
I have heard that Sweden has beautiful weather with a lot of snow, rain and wind where we are having those terrible 29 decrease with sun and warm wind but don’t get fooled, we are getting red and burnt so it is not all fun and games here either but I guess that is not what you want to hear. I won’t complain to you anymore about the weather but I hope you make the best of Sweden and we will make the best of Mexico when we sail there in two days! Got to practice my Spanish now, sure hope that goes well.
Au revoir!
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00