We biked a lot today! 8 metric miles! We began the day by renting bikes at Peter´s. After that we biked away to Continente (a supermarket) and bought some fika. Later we began our small adventure.
We began our journey by going up the vulcano Caldeira. We came up to
around 300 meters above sea level and then we took our fika. After the
fika we went down the mountain for a little while and then we went up
and over a smaller mountain, but still decently big. From the top it was
a long road all the way down to the sea. By the sea, there was a
gray/black beach and a small cave. After being there for a while and
taking a break we jumped on our bikes and began biking back.
To be able to get back we had to go up a long and steep road. We ran out
of water and really needed to drink, so we decided to start knocking on
doors. After we had tried on five different houses there was a man who
finally came out. He didn't know any English and we did not know any
Portuguese at all. But he understood what we meant and after some google
translate back and forth we kinda understood each other. He gave us
water, food, and even some tips on places to visit and some history
behind the Azores. After that refreshing break we walked the rest of the
way up. When we were on the top it was only a long nice road going down
to Horta left. In Horta we ate dinner in an old fort, and after that we
returned the bikes to Peter´s.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se