Öckerö gymnasium

We finally reached Lisbon and got the heat for free

And finally the day was here, the arrival day! After 8 days consisting of work, rough sea and studies I think that a lot of us were happy just by the thought that we finally are in port and even more excited about see Lisbon.

My day started at 11am and the first thing I did was to directly go outside, feel the heat on my skin and at the same time check messages on my mobile phone. But unfortunately, I had watch today so I wasn’t allowed to go off the ship so instead of exploring the city I was working. But actually, it wasn’t that bad, I had a great day and I enjoyed sitting in the sun and watch the gangplank so nobody went on or off the boat without permission. I sat with a friend of mine and we had a great time together and at the same time we “worked” we got suntanned so I can’t complain about my day here onboard.

Today I think that it was around 29 degrees here in Lisbon so I felt sorry for the rest of my classmates in my watch because they had to work in the heat but they did a great job and thankfully it started blowing in the afternoon. This morning I checked the weather analysis and it seems to be great weather this coming week so I’m happy about that.

Now the clock is 11pm and it’s almost time for me to put down my computer and go get dressed up for my night-watch. Tomorrow we’re going to Sintra, so I hope that I can fall asleep fast after the watch so I will get a lot of energy for the trip.

Linn, portside


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se