Öckerö gymnasium

We sleep more and talk less

Today it´s Karins birthday, many congrats to her. In the morning gathering we all sang for her and wished her a happy birthday.

Today is a tired day, it´s hard to hold my eyes opened so I took a nap right after the gathering. I slept for one hour and then I went to the mall that is based twenty meters from the boat. Long walk, I know…

I went there with Linn and Viggo, we just walk around and looked in stores. I bought some gifts to my loved one’s home in Sweden. Right before we had to go back for lunch we bought American cookies (it´s a must in the U.S). To lunch it was pasta with tomato sauce, which tasted very good. In the afternoon the whole class visited a gallery and listened when the guides talk about food and culture in New Orleans. It was interesting but many of us were like I said extremely tired.

It’s starting to show that we have been onboard for almost two months now. It´s funny to see how everybody is a little bit more off, sleeps more and talks less.

Two weeks left then we are home in Sweden, See ya!



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se