Öckerö gymnasium

What a day

We’re still in Cherbourg which is kinda boring. We’ve seen the whole city already and I’ve been to the mall too many times. Today hasn’t been any special, we woke up at 7 and when I got to the big mess I realized it was Sunday because they served bacon and egg. It was very nice.

After breakfast midship went to work and one part of the class went to bed again. I chose to watch a movie instead. After a while I got tired of just sitting around so I collected some friends to go to the mall. We got there and realized it was closed because as I wrote before, it’s Sunday.

We decided to go get crepes instead, it was as usual delicious! After the crepes we went back to Gunilla and I watched another movie. When the movie came to an end I got of the boat AGAIN. This time we were craving coffee. We stopped at 4 different cafes. At one cafe we got some coffees and at the last cafe we tried some pastries. Once again we got back on the boat and we sat down in the little mess to play some cardgames, I learned a lot. This day was very quiet but I liked it because we found things to do, it was actually really nice.

Tilde Randvik


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se