Öckerö gymnasium

What it is to be famous

So you would think that we are simple students that travel the world, but you are wrong.
Sometimes we get to be celebrities.

Like today we gotta talk on a live radio program. No, not all students were asked the questions; only 6 of us got to speak, two students from each guard. They talk about everything, how it is to live in Sweden compared to the USA, How it is to live on the bout and the features both for the school and for the six students.
After the program we got a tour of the radio stations building and we got to learn its history. The radio station goes around by volunteers and donations from listeners. And that is amazing. Around 300 people listened to us talking. Those 300 listeners perhaps help the station with donations. And if you donate your name could end up on the many tribute walls. After the radio station, the guard mid skips ( that’s mine guard) walked for a long time to the scientology church.

But first we had to fuel up, aka eat Mcdonalds. I have never eaten such good fries at Mcdonalds and I have never seen Fanta drink so orange. I mean it was neon
orange. When we were done eating and using the WIFI we walk over to the church.

You might have heard of The Scientology Church in connection with Tom Crunch, sadly we did not get to meet him today. But we meet other people. The people in the church believe that if you separate the body and soul you won't feel physical pain. One of the members told me he was near to die but the church rituals and guidance helped him recover. I am not sure if I believe in them. More correctly, I don't believe in their belivings. Maybe it’s true or maybe it’s not. However the church was bilde in the first cigars factory in Ybor.

The members have done amazing work keeping the factory almost in its original form. The highlight of the day was my first NHL match. Tampa plays against Minnesota and WON. I loved watching the game even though the Detroit Red Wings did not play. The atmosphere in the stadium was amazing and you could almost touch it. The fans were wild when the match were over. Now I will always compare NHL matches with SHL matches.
It will never be the SAME!!

Alice J


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se