At the last hour of the watch the fun things started to happen, we hoisted sails. we have some sick people in hour watch which means that everyone on deck (7 people instead of 10) has to help. So then we hoisted five sails which means a lot of climbing in the rig and haul in ropes which is fun.
I thought this blog would be very boring at 9 a clock this morning because then one hour of the watch felt like 10 hours. Between 8 and 11 I had the slowest three hours in my life. I can tell you that even though the weather is good and you are on a beautiful place it isn’t fun to be lookout if you are tired and have a lots of thoughts on your brain. The only good thing in this three hours was the sunrise that was for like 5 minutes and when some dolphins swam by for like three minutes.
At the last hour of the watch the fun things started to happen, we hoisted sails. we have some sick people in hour watch which means that everyone on deck (7 people instead of 10) has to help. So then we hoisted five sails which means a lot of climbing in the rig and haul in ropes which is fun.
When I read what I wrote I understand that I have been here so long that a day that one month ago had been one of the coolest and most awesome days in my life have turned in to a normal day, that’s kind of sick. That we have been here for a long time can also be seen at all the students on board. The conversations about Christmas food, Swedish milk and free access to internet is more and more normal. You can also see that everyone studies and are more for their selves than some weeks ago. For me I think this is because I start to feel like the boat is my home and I got time to think about everything I have done but also think about peoples I miss at home. To be honest I think that it will be pretty nice to come home but I also know that when I’ve been home in cold Sweden for three days I am going to want to go back, because Gunnis is one of the best places on earth to be!
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00