Öckerö gymnasium

Yellow desserts

Today was the day of the school meeting. I started the day as "backis" because I had watch yesterday, so it`s my duty. It was a serve breakfast with porridge, eggs and bread.

The private school had sent a bus to pick us up. So at 9.45 we went to the bus that took us a 30 minutes drive to Oeiras International School. Brita started to introduce our school and said that we where professional minglers WHICH did everything a bit more awkward. We got served weird but tasty muffins, I don’t remember what it’s called but it looked like the picture. Later on, the students showed the school with swimmingpool, goats and one donkey called Dongeldorf.

And then the best thing at the school visit was to play sports! We could choose between football, basket and volleyball. I choosed to start with football for 30 minutes and then go on to volleyball. Unfortunately all sucked, we had like 3 balls in the game. Still fun.

Everyone played for 1 hour and then we went to their "bamba". We could choose between 5 courses and jello to dessert. When we sat in the cafeteria all students sang for a teacher and it was full of life. Fun to be a part of.

Then we went to the classrooms and interviewed them for our geography assignment. Then we went home and port took over the watch. Not so much happened later we chilled at the boat.

Alice, Midship


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se