Öckerö gymnasium

The storm that never came

Today has been a day with a lot of sleep, some work and a storm. When the day started we where still in Guadeloupe but at the end of the day we had arrived in Antigua

Today I woke up outside of Guadeloupe. After the muster we switch over to sea watches and since I have 4-8 I was free until 16:00. I want back to sleep right after the muster and I was the only one that managed to get some sleep out of my roommates because apparently I snore. This was brand new information to me since this hasn’t been a problem any other time this voyage. At least it doesn't bother me hehe… I woke up to lunch and when I went upstairs I saw that we no longer was anchored in Guadeloupe but back at see heading for Antigua. After lunch I played some board games with some friends and then I went back to sleep again. I felt like I should take the opportunity since we didn't have any lessons because it was depescher day (and that also happens to be the only day at sea since it only takes one day to get to Antigua).

After my second nap of the day I got woken up at 15:30 to get ready for my watch. We mostly talked and got to know our new watch leaders because we changed watches after we got to Guadeloupe. Our last watch leader was danish but our new is Swedish and if I’m honest it is pretty nice to be able to understand everything she says. Since it’s the international women’s day today we read a book on the watch that was a bout a matriarchy and it was really interesting. All the stereotypic rolls was change so for example seaman was called seawomen and the switch word ”man” as in ”man kan tänka att…” was changed to ”dam” so it became ”dam kan tänka att…”. It really made you think of how a lot of our words is pretty expired for todays time.

At dinner, witch is during the watch, we had to quickly get back on deck do dowse the royals because of a squall that came over us. Then we could also see a big storm at the horizon. It looked pretty cool with the lightning bolts lighting up the horizon. It looked like it was a pretty ruff storm since the lightning came so frequently. It also looked like it was heading towards us but luckily it blew past.

We got woken up at 03:30 to once again go on watch. We got up on deck and we cold see Antigua. How ever we had to slow down to not get there to early because we weren't allowed to go in until 9 o’clock. Therefore we had to dowse and furl the övermärsarna, witch pretty much was the only sails left. While up in the mast we also got a good look at the sunrise. It was really amazing to see it from such a high place. It went up next to the island and made the sky orange and it all looked like a painting. It was truly wonderful. The midnight snack of the not was pancakes and let me tell you that the gallie workers worked hard and long at the frying pan to make everyone full and happy. When the wash was over we where practically at our destination but luckily enough we had some time to get some sleep before we went in to land.

Annie Gyllander, SA2124


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se