Öckerö gymnasium

From Belfast To Dublin

Another day filled with adventure. The alarm rang early because we were heading to Dublin. A city steeped in history, Guinness, and impressive buildings. The thought occurred to me that we would visit a school and complete an English assignment. Furthermore, there would be time to explore Dublin on our own. With a smile on my lips, I closed my eyes and just wanted to sleep for another 5 minutes, something I would later regret.

We received a warm welcome and a tour. We also attended a class. The students were a few years younger than us but friendly, and the conversations we had were enriching. Getting an insight into other schools is always fun, especially when you can compare it to our own school and the one we visited in Reykjavik. To be honest, we mostly talked about our school. It was a bit embarrassing, quite challenging to be humble when you're traveling halfway around the world during school hours. We also took a walk to a nearby beach, where I ate my nearly forgotten packed lunch. Then we returned to the bus, and the highlight of the day was approaching Dublin.

Finally, Dublin. We had a school assignment to find an English author, which we did in no time. Now I could explore the city. The heat, which nearly killed us, forced us to take an ice cream break. Then we walked around and admired buildings and the city center. We also visited some vinyl shops. As I flipped through the vinyl records, my heart suddenly skipped a beat. A unique and legendary album by the rap artist Snoop Dogg. A must-have. Then we continued our walk through tall buildings, street musicians, and a lively atmosphere. Back on the bus, I listened to Snoop's album, and the smile I had in the morning had reappeared on my lips again and stayed there all the way back to Gunilla. Another day filled with adventure.

Vilhelm K. T


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se