Öckerö gymnasium

Hello everybody, Ivar here!

My day started with a strong start, I overslept, but not by much and I still made it to breakfast in time to eat a few sandwiches. After breakfast I did my usual morning routine and then it was straight to the morning assembly.

Today was actually a bit different than our usual days at sea because
instead of having just one team working on deck we had the entire crew
up there. The reason why is because today is our last day of sailing on
this trip. Naturally we decided to go out with a bang and we raised
every single sail the ship had to go out in style. Having almost the
entire crew up in the masts was quite the sight. Of course I was up
there myself as well, I was supposed to work in the kitchen but I didn’t
want to miss something like that.

After my adventures in the mast I did go to the kitchen to do my job. I
did the usual stuff you’d do in a kitchen, chopped vegetables, washed
the dishes, served food to the crew and hoisted sails by threading rope
through the windows of the kitchen and pulling from there. In other
words, just normal everyday things you’d do in a kitchen.

After my shift was over it was time for lessons, after all this is all
part of our schools curriculum. Our teacher, Kiki, held a presentation
about Caen and gave us an introduction to the city. Caen is our next
destination where we should be arriving soon. I didn’t know anything
about the city before but now I’m pretty excited to go there.

There was also beautiful weather outside today so I have of course taken
the opportunity to bask in the sun and hang out outside on deck as much
as possible. We also had ourselves a swim beside the ship and after a
full day of sailing it felt great to finally cool off. Personally I dove
from the the forepeak. I think it was approximately seven meters from
the ocean so it was quite the steep dive. Speaking of hanging outside,
tonight we had a barbecue outside on deck for dinner and it was amazing,
the food was delicious and the atmosphere was superb.

To cap off this entry I will say that after a beautiful day of sailing
we have now reached the coast of France and we’re here laid by anchor
and it feels nice to get some rest. The plan is to go into the harbour
in Caen and make port tomorrow and we’ll see how the city is, my hopes
are high.

Goodbye for now!
Ivar Redström


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se