Today we had to pack all our belongings and empty our cabins.
Today was a rather special day, we got divided into four groups depending on which bed you slept in. So each person had 2 hours alone in the cabin for packing, and the rest either had watch onboard or were on land. For me and some of my friends, the day started with no watch, so we decided to experience some real American culture, Walmart. We went to the gate where we ordered an Uber, and after approximately five minutes the car turned up. In the very busy traffic it took us 40 minutes to get to Walmart. During our 2 hours visit, I think I lost my friends like 5 times. It was extremely big and well sorted. We bought some snacks for the long trip back home to Sweden. We had to be back at twelve a clock to eat lunch. And after that it was time for us to pack and have watch.
Fifteen minutes past eleven, we ordered a Uber back home. Unfortunately there was a big traffic jam so we were like 20 minutes late, but they hadn’t stuffed away the food yet. Later, we did some maintenance work, cleaning and packing.
After that it was time for another group to pack and clean, and my groups turn to be free again. Our plan was to go to sawgrass mills and then eat at 5 guys witch is a very famous hamburger chain in the us. We did manage to accomplish half of our plan. We went to sawgrass mills but the time ran away so we weren’t able to eat at 5 guys. Instead we ate at a nearby Taco Bell. It was the worst taco I’ve ever ate. Then we took an Uber back home and went to sleep
Viktor starboard
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00