Today was a good day because me and a group of friends did a lot of fun things. We started this good day with some lunch, when we all were full we headed to the UK’s biggest aquarium and saw a lot of different fishes that lives in the Atlantic.
We saw Dori & Nemo, some sharks and a Big seaturtle. When we were finish with the aquarium me and the girls wanted to go to a café to get som cake and a nice drink. We found the coasiest café , I had a big brownie cake with a tropic smoothie. We sat in that café in about 2,5-3h until the boys called us and Said that they had find a movie at the cinema. So we Went to the cinema and watched amazing beast and the secret of Dumbledore. We ended this day with some more food in the gras with an amaizing view, you could see out over the ocean and next to us there was an Big white and red lighthouse, and there was this red/pink sky that was also so amaizing.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00