It was exiting to do everything by ourselves. We got money to find a hotel room, for food and to go by alugher to our chosen hikingspot. My group really suceed, our hotel was great and we got a nice breakfast including bananapancakes, toast, cereals and their speciality, vanilla pudding. Both of our hikes were so cool and the views were breathtaking.
Another thing that i really enjoyed was our meeting with a local school named Barbosa school. We went on a visit in their school, we sang songs togheter and got the chance to interview some of them for our school projects. After being at their school for a couple of hours we took them to our school, Gunilla. They were very impressed by the fact that this is school, so are we. Agnes and Frans climbed in the rig to show them how to do that and they were very entertained witch I understand. We also invited them to a swedish fika, cinnamon rolls. They liked it. We changed contacts with them and hung out with them again on the night during our offwatch.
After some amazing days in Cap Verde we´re now out on open sea again. We´ve switched watches, before we were in the 12-4 and now starbord has 4-8. Its only been a day but I already feel like the 4-8 working shift suits me better because of our sleeping scedule, it becomes more like a normal day. We have´nt had so much wind yet so we havent been very hard working. During the first days on the sea many of us get sea sick, this time was not a exeption. After our workingshift yesterday me and Livia sat by the rail and threw up, its nice to have company but i sat in the wind and got her puke in my face:) Eventually we felt better and went to sleep in our cabin with a bucket on the cabin sole. Today most of us feel better.
Best wishes,
Elsa Gjertsson, starboard
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00