Öckerö gymnasium

7 mile beach and Rick's Café

What an amazing day! Yesterday one of us called the taxi driver that drove us to Dr. Caves beach the day before and arranged a field trip.

The deal was that he drove us to Rick's Cafe in Negril, one hour away and waited for us there and then drove us home for 20 US dollar each.

The way there was so fun, the taxi driver played dancehall music the whole way there and there were a lot to look at! When we got to Negril it was around ten o'clock and the driver told us it was to early to go to Rick's because there would not be any people there. Instead he drove us to a part of the so called seven mile beach. We did not have to pay any entrance like on Dr. Caves beach but it was so much better, the water was as blue as Listerine and the sand was bright and delicate. There was a good looking bar and a lot of blue beach chairs to borrow close to the water.

Since we arrived before all the tourists we got the best ones in the front. There was almost no one there exept us for the first 30 minutes then an explosion of thorists arrived and with them the many guys who went back and forth on the beach to sell fruit, crafts, boat trips, cigarres, marujana and also a guy with a horse. I bought some mango and it was delicious. If you walked a bit away from the place we had out things you walked passed different secions of bars, restaurangs, massage sections, tourists attractions and so on. It didn't matter what way you looked, there were beach, Listerine water and big palmtrees as far as the eye could reach in both directions.

We stayed on the beach for about two hours and then our taxi driver drowe us to a supermarket where we bought some fruit, drinks and chips to bring to Rick's. Clumbsy me was going to grab some sliced watermelon but I dropped it and hit my head in one of those hanging fruit scales while a local lady and her child was watching me.... Later on that day on Ricks Caf'e I scratched my legs on a rock in the water and stepped on broken glas. But nothing major, just some scratctes. It was still a really good day.

Rick's Cafe was really cool, we jumped from different platforms, ate our snacks ( not sure that was okay but they didn't say anything) and just had a blast. I am not quite sure how to describe what it looked like so I suggest you to google it. Anyway, the water was listerine blue here too and after about 40 minutes of fun we went up to the café area and had some wifi. It is voted top ten beach bar in the world. I am not sure why though. I mean they did really good drinks ( virgin of course ) and the place was beautiful but top ten in the world for a bar without fries or nachos... I don't get it.

After Rick's we went back to Montego Bay and ate dinner at a local jerk fast food place. I (the vegiterian) ate some jerk chicken with fries and a festival, wich is some sort of flour mixed with sugar and then fried in a big roll. The chicken was so good, the jerk sauce was a bit hot and the festival was very intresting. We ended the long day with oreo smoothies at an internet café on hip strip.

Emily Gyllenspetz


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se