The day began with me and my bunkmates getting woken up by the “rondman”. I laid in bed for a few extra minutes before I got up and headed down to the “stora mässen” for some breakfast.
After a delicious egg-sandwich it was time for the daily morning formation where Alice, our teacher, reminded us about the biology project that we were supposed to do today. We were going to a beach to examine the species that we would find there. After the morning formation me and all of the other students went into the rubber boats that took us to the beach, and after the bumpy ride we finally arrived. Me and one of my classmates decided to look for species together, and we found a couple of interesting ones. But my favorite was the funny looking fish.
After a few hours that felt like merely minutes it was time for us to stop searching the beach and instead we got to go explore the city. Me and some classmates decided to go look for an ice-cream stall, and after a long search in the gazing sun, we finally found an ice-cream stall. Lucky for us the scoops were huge. After the delicious treat we all went home.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00