Öckerö gymnasium

A day full of happenings!

In the morning the whole class went to a place where the foreign dictator Franco buried soldiers and innocent people from the civil war in Spain 80 years ago.

We got to hear one of the soldiers grandchild Mari Carmen, talk about it. It really is another thing when you learn this type of knowledge in real life and not just sitting in a classroom and watch a film about it. I think that this trip was interesting and important. We found out that it wasn’t usual for teens in Spain to know the consequences of the civil war and what happened to the people. They had just learn about the facts.

After the trip we went out and walked around. Sevilla is so beautiful and it’s a good city to visit if you want to walk around and watch big and cool monuments. There are many souvenir shops too. I bought a magnet, like I do in every harbour, for memories.

We ate dinner at the ship of course. Because we had tacos! Real Swedish tacos. It was amazing. The vibe on board was on top and most of us decided to stay on the boat after the dinner. It was so nice to be with everyone at the same time and just hang out on the ship. Later, a karaoke night was planned! Our chef Wågis started of with ”Teenage dirtbag”. Her vocals was absolutely stunning. AMAZING! This night had just started. We continued for about 2 hours and it became warm in the big mess. Shirts got changed…

I forgot to mention a big change! Our new DOS Anneli is onboard! It feels good and it is fun to have a teacher inboard that we haven’t had for so long. I’m looking forward to get to know her better. I would also like to thank Erling for the last weeks. Everyone had such a great time! Thank you!

Carmen, Babordsvakten


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se