Öckerö gymnasium

A day in Grenada

Today was the second day in Grenada and a lot of exciting things happened through out the day! We left the boat and the sleepy security guards behind us, and strolled along the harbour in town. St George´s was beautifully decorated with colorful flags and picturesque houses and buildings.

We asked our way to the local fruit and craft market on the big square in the center of town, and bunkered up with loads of fruits from the island. We accidentally lost our friends in the crowd and they later sent a message saying the we´re staying at a cafe called ”Fun in the Bun”. All the locals just laughed at us when we asked about the way because such cafe didn´t excist according to them, but we somehow found it after some time of searching.

Our plan for the day was to go snorkeling and we had heard about a famous underwater sculpture park in a place called Dragon Bay, so we stopped a bus and went towards the beach. We arrived by a dreamy long and lonely beach with palms and small fishing boats. A nice wooden bar with a big deck looked inviting but me and my friend headed towards the beach. A couple of handsome boys walked towards us with a charming smile and said they could take us to the underwater sculptures which sounded perfect, but were these guys to be trusted? Two sixteen year old girls and two older boys alone on a small fishing boat outside of Grenada? Me and my friend looked at each other for a second but then burst out laughing and hopped on the boat. We had a lot of fun joking around with these guys and the snorkeling was amazing. Although I though the sculptures were ancient and the turned out to be only 16 years old, the experience was worth the money.

Later on the evening a locally famous man called Mr.Frank and his co-worker Mr.Mandoo visited the boat and talked a bit about the grenadian history and we took the chance to asked some questions for our assigments.

We all love Grenada, a beautiful country with wonderful people!

Over and out,

Lina Bloom Wrenne


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se