Today was no normal day because we were joined by the crew of the Norwegian full-rigged ship Christian Radich, that came into port on the 16th, most of the crew where between the ages 16-25 which made for a pleasant time.
At 13:00 the Norwegians came to Gunilla for a visit, we showed them around and taught them about our ship and our crew quarters. We later enjoyed fika together with our new Norwegian friends to later join them on their ship.
I think we were all a bit shocked when we learned that they had polished all the brass on the ship for three days, and you could clearly see it. When you stepped on the gangway and entered the ship it felt like you stepped back in time, the ship was clean and beautiful both on the inside and on the outside, the attention to detail in the wooden interior was elegant and classy. They showed us the
dining room where they invite special guests to dinner. They had a picture of the crown prince hanging in the dining room of when he was there and had dinner.
We could also see how they slept, and it was a big difference from what we at Gunilla are used to. Instead of the cabin style interior on Gunilla, Christian Radich had the crew sleeping in hammocks.
Viktor Melander
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00