Today we ate breakfast and then went to the beautiful beach we recently found just 5 minutes from Gunilla. We literally just ran into the water as fast as we could. It was pretty cold at first but after a while it became very nice. Me, Elin and Elsa stayed in the turquoise water for a long time, we came up with different games and competitions and we had a really good time.There were some restaurants on the beach so we all ordered ice cream and coke before it was time to eat lunch on the ship.
When we came back home our DOS Jacob told us that he had met a Swedish woman who wanted to show us some good parts of Mindelo. We gathered on the quay and got divided in to two groups. Each group had a minibus that drove us to the top of a mountain to look at the view. It was absolutely stunning. The air up there were so light and clean, it almost felt weird inhaling. We also saw that Mindelo is a lot bigger than we thought.
After a while we went to a lagun surrounded by a kind of dessert landscape, located in the countryside of the capital. We took a swim before heading back and the temperature was slightly hotter than on the beach earlier.
Since this was my guards last free day me and my friends went out to eat instead of staying on Gunilla. After ordering a guy our age came up to us. He explained that he were one of the students from the school we met the other day. Apparently his friend had told him to meet us on the restaurant and that he would join after he had showered. But we hadn't made plans with anyone so there must have been a misunderstanding. Oh well, we asked him if he wanted to sit down and he did. It was very nice. None of us have english as our first language but we tried our best to make ourselves clear.
After the dinner he hung out with us before meeting up with some other friends. Me and the girls went to the store to buy everything we might need over the Atlantic.
Cape Verde is really beautiful and I think the majority of the class, including me, would want to stay here a lot longer! But I am at the same time very excited to start sailing and getting into that schedule and rhythm again.
Zelda Ekelund, starboard
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00