Today at 7.00 am I woke up and felt more tired than I did when I fell asleep.
I think the hardest thing on this boat is to wake up and feel refreshed. I can't remember one single night when I have woken up and felt refreshed. In some way I like it because it makes me think that I have worked hard and that I’m tired for good reasons.
I can feel like it’s good to go on trips like this because everything is the same every day, I wake up at 7 am, eat breakfast at 7.15, go to watch at 8, eat lunch at 12.20 and dinner at 5 pm, go to watch again in 8 at and around I fall asleep. And between every meal we have like cafe breaks. Therefor everyday always feels the same and goes together. It´s nice to drop all control I have home in Sweden and just follow the flow here on board. I think routines is good for you.
Today is Sannas birthday, and that means that she gets to pick what we’re going to eat for dinner. She has picked steak and potato gratin. On every birthday the birthday kid gets a chocolate cake from our lovely teacher and dos Anne-Li and we sing a Happy birthday song.
Now I have study time to prepare for the study we are doing in Cuba.
Over and out
Josefin Midship
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00