The 24 of April was a day with allot of activities. The day started with the visit to a museum about slavery and a visit to an old slave plantation. Through out the day the students got to learn a lot about slavery and in the evening a local band came to play some beautiful music on Gunilla.
The whole crew was woken at 07.00 as any other day. Everybody went and ate breakfast 07.15 and then hurried up on deck for the usual morning line up. But this was not a normal day, today was school trip day. Lisa, our DOS (Director Of Studies), did not wait a long time on the morning line up to tell us that both the Natural science class and the Sea farer class should gather on the kaj at 09.45 ready to go to Old slavemart museum, an old museum about the slave trade that happened in Charleston. She also told us that we were going to visit McLoads Plantation, an old slave plantation in Charleston, later that day.
All students prepared them self and gathered up with Lisa on kaj 09.45, as planed. We walked to the museum, it was only a 10 minute walk from where Gunilla was stationed, and when we got there we were welcomed by the people working at the museum.
At the museum we listened to a guide who had done research on the slave trade in Charleston. She was an African-American women who talked about everything related to the slave trade Charleston ones had. She talked about everything from the trade routes the Europeans used to bring black people to Charleston, to how black people were treated after slavery was abolished in the south of the United States. After we had listed to her we also got to take a look around the museum to look at the different information and artefacts spread around the museum. Personally I was not that impressed with the museum itself but I really like to listen to the guide. She was really knew what she talked about and she could answer every question people threw at her.
After our visit to the museum we made our way to a bus station where we were going to take a bus to McLoades Plantation. Before we hoped on the bus we ate lunch which our epic chefs back at Gunilla, Johannes and Pontus, had papered. The meat eaters ate meat pie and mushroom pie while the vegetarian/vegans ate a pasta salad.
After we had eaten we took the bus to the plantation. When we got there all the students were split into two groups which followed a guide each. We walked a long tour around the plantation where the guide told us about the history of the plantation and which parts of the plantations were used for what. I personally thought that the plantation itself was pretty majestic and epic.
After the visit at the plantation we hoped on a bus back to Gunilla. The chefs had prepared a special dinner that evening because a local band were coming to play on the boat. It was barbecue ribs and halomi with potato salad. It was a really nice evening and everybody enjoyed the music. The band played old traditional American music which was very cool thus they actually played on a quite old big sailing ship.
After dinner many students on Gunilla went to play football in a football field nearby while some stayed to continue listening to the music.
It was good day.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00