Öckerö gymnasium

And off we go….

Our trip to Gunilla started at 3 in the morning, at a hotel in Stockholm. We woke up at 3 and had half an hour to get ready.

We then got another half an hour to eat breakfast. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the only one who didn’t feel like eating in the middle of the night, so we also made a sandwich or two each to bring on the plane. When we had checked out of the hotel, a bus came and drove us to the airport. The plane took off 6.00 am and we arrived in Malaga at around 10.00 o’clock. Another bus came there and drove us to Gunilla. At this point, everyone was extremely excited and had their hopes high.

As fast as we got on to the boat, we dumped our bags in our rooms and then we ate lunch. After lunch we got in to our rooms and had about an hour to unpack and organize our clothes. Honestly, I was surprized of how much room there was. It was probably because I have only heard about the rooms, and never been there, and people say they are tiny, so that is what I imagined. After this, we gathered in our groups which we work in and we got some basic and general information about sailing on the ship and so on.

We then had dinner and after that we had free time to go in town or do whatever we wanted, until 10.00 pm. Some friends and I went to some shops and then to a café, it was very fun and relaxing.

This day has been amazing and I am so excited for tomorrow, we are going to get to know the boat and do many different activities.

Flora Alderblad


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se