Today, the 27th of December, started like any other day of sailing, with my watch team getting woken up just before midnight to get on guard.
15 tired students walked out of the door meeting a warm breeze and a full moon lighting up the dark sky. "Babord", the previous guard group handed over their gurard and we began our watch with Olle's famous watermelon yoga. It was not a lot of wind or work to do during our shift, which gave us the perfect chance to practice handling the sails. We have gotten way better at it since the first days of sailing, but there is still a lot left to learn. The watch went by pretty fast, and it was time for us to go to bed again.
At 11 o'clock, we got woken up again after another 6.5 hours of sleep. It was time for lunch since our midnight meal is kind of like our breakfast. They served us vegetarian lasagna with kale salad and water to drink. We got 20 minutes of eating time, and then we got ready for the upcoming 4 hours.
During this watch, we saw a bunch of Bryde's whales swimming next to the boat. They kind of looked like dolphins except they were black and a little bit bigger. It was a very nice experience, and I hope we get to see more marine animals during our trip. Other than that, the crew had a "man over board practice", and we saw the watch leaders driving the jetski around the boat wearing orange suits and helmets. It looked very fun how they jumped on every wave in the blue water.
15 minutes after handing over our watch to "midskepps", the next guard group, we began our lessons. We did math, geography and I started writing this blog. We also ate dinner and had several pauses to be able to keep up with the studies for 3 hours.
Now it is time for us to go to bed if we want to get some rest before our next shift. Goodnight!
/Alicia Henning
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00