When we got down we had a lesson with our watch leader Mauritz. He taught us about all the different sails and how they work. After our lesson it was time for “fika” the most important thing on the watch.
I woke up at 3.30 and had 30 minutes to get ready for the watch. We started the watch by climbing to the highest point of the mast, luckily for us the sea is not very bad right now.
When we got down we had a lesson with our watch leader Mauritz. He taught us about all the different sails and how they work. After our lesson it was time for “fika” the most important thing on the watch.
When we were done with our fika it was time for another lesson, this time with the 1st officer Jesper. This time we looked at the radar and the sea chart. He thought us the basics and how to set a course in the chart. We enjoyed the sunrise and then we cleaned the deck something that the 4-8 watch always does in the morning. We had just finish cleaning when it was time stand in formation to hand over the watch to “port”. Jesper has these small challenges when handing over the watch. We won once again and the score is now 4-1 to starboard.
At 8 when we get of, breakfast is always ready which is nice after a long morning. Me and 3 others that study maritime had “labour watch” at 8.30. There was a broken deck light so we decided to fix it. It took about 2 hours. I tried to get some sleep but the new watch was removing some rust and that makes a lot of noice, all the grinders and picks going at full speed makes it hard to sleep.
So I decided to get out and get some air, the weather is still great even if the wind has gotten a bit stronger. I read my book and listened to some music until it was time for lunch. We had chicken and couscous for lunch, a great combo. After lunch me and some others went out again. We sat in the sun and talked for a bit until it was time to start writing this.
On the afternoon watch I am going to work in the galley. We are also going to change the clock 1 hour forward so everyone in my watch is going to lose 1 hour of sleep. We need to hurry to bed after the watch so we can catch some sleep, being tired on the watch is one of the worst feelings so you have do the best of the situation.
//Leo sjdm1619
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se