Today was a day full of exciting and interesting new impressions.
Midships had so called free watch today, which I guess you already know what it is by now. Right after breakfast me and some other girls walked down to the town to talk to the Moroccans and drink a cup of coffee or two.
First, we went to a café, of course one that had wi-fi, and ordered a cappuccino and a croissant each. We took the chance to call, mail and snapchat our friends and family after a long time of looking forward to keep in touch with them. This lead to a very long café-visit. When we had updated all the people in Sweden by posting tons of instagram-posts etc. and enjoyed the sun we walked to a block inside of a big old wall.
Inside of the walls we met a very wonderful lady. She took the initiative to talk with us because she recognized our ‘’Gunilla tees’’ because she had met students from the school before. We interviewed her for a school project which lead to a conversation about her daily life. She told us that she makes henna-tattoos and offered to make one on us and we happily told her that we’d love to. So, her home was our next stop. That was a very cool experience because then we got to see how a real Moroccan house looks like. I can say for sure that we are very lucky in Sweden to have the privilege to have houses like we do.
This day gave me a more realistic image of how a ‘’normal’’ life in Morocco is like. The woman that we met was an inspiration for me and the other girls that were with me this day. To end the day, we drank a cup of tea and resumed what we’ve been through that day.
E, Midskepps
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00