Öckerö gymnasium

A sleepy day!

The day began when I woke up at 11 pm. I was laying in bed when i heard a terrible knocking noise.

It was my lovely companions that were hammering outside to get rid of the rust that's making the boat lose its charm. Even though this knocking sound was echoing awfully inside the entire ship, I eventually got up when Mattson was screaming at me to make me rise and shine. After a delicious breakfast we got up on the deck to start our watch. My duty today was to make sure that nobody fell overboard by just standing there and watching all the good workers do good work. All my fellow sailors in my guard had to work there butts off to get all the sails up in the air.

During my four hours watch I had a lot of time to think. Right in my thinking I saw four dolphins appear out of nowhere. They were so close that I could almost touch them. They were jumping and I screamed to my watch "Dolphins on port side!" but not a soul could hear my voice in the all sounds from the tools working.

Now my tummy is full of burgers, fries and Sprite zero and life is pretty good.

Best regards

Fredrik Hammarklo


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se